The understanding of reciprocities at work within nature urges man to define new territories, make room and accommodate space for nature. The hive is a space dedicated to the life of bees. Although destined to the production of honey, hives look more like production facilities devoid of animal identity.
The understanding of reciprocities at work within nature urges man to define new territories, make room and accommodate space for nature. The hive is a space dedicated to the life of bees. Although destined to the production of honey, hives look more like production facilities devoid of animal identity.
Bees danse. In an ever-changing ballet, abiding by specific codes, they communicate among themselves the locations of nectar. The swarm manifests itself to claim its territory through ample volumes of tainted and braided beechwood. In a more poetical relationship with the swarm, these large volumes are hive ornaments. This cloudy form is a reminiscence of the cage, impassable frontier between man and bee.